Optimal Allocation of Provincial Public Library Resources in China——An Empirical Analysis of Differences and Convergence of Efficiency

  • Zhou Na
  • Guangzhou Library, Guangzhou 510623

Received date: 2018-04-20

  Revised date: 2018-07-06

  Online published: 2019-01-20


[Purpose/significance] Gradually realizing equalization of basic public services is one of the important goals of building a socialism harmonious society. Balanced development of public libraries is an important embodiment and means of achieving equalization of public services and social equity. From the perspective of dynamic changes and convergence in efficiency, it is of great significance to explore optimal allocation of resources in provincial public libraries.[Method/process] Based on the panel data of 31 provincial public libraries in China during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, this paper uses total factor productivity of Malmquist-DEA Model as the measure index and adopts σ convergence and β convergence test methods to explore the difference and convergence of efficiency of public libraries in China for the first time.[Result/conclusion] Efficiency of public libraries in China has gradually got rid of negative growth situation, and main driving force of change is technical efficiency factor. Efficiency of public libraries at country and three major regions level presents a σ convergence. Efficiency of public libraries at national level shows both a absolute and a conditional convergence of β, but there is not a absolute convergence of β in west and east regions. Efficiency of public libraries in three major regions has a conditional convergence of β, and there is a phenomenon of "central depression". Factors affecting efficiency convergence have significant regional heterogeneity, and future development of public libraries requires targeted development strategies.

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Zhou Na . Optimal Allocation of Provincial Public Library Resources in China——An Empirical Analysis of Differences and Convergence of Efficiency[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019 , 63(2) : 68 -76 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.02.008


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