[Purpose/significance] Using citations as a measurement of the impact of an article have long been criticized. This study argues that the impact of scientific paper includes its depth, speed, and breadth in diffusion. We can measure the impact breadth of an article by using entropy.[Method/process] This study regards Nobel Prizes winning articles in Physiology and Medicine field as the most influential scientific research, collecting Nobel Prizes winning articles into the test group and matching them at a ratio of 1:1 into the control group. The citing articles' disciplinary diversity, within five years after these papers' publishing, was explored. In addition, this study employs entropy to measure the diversity.[Result/conclusion] 65 percent of articles in the test group have relatively higher disciplinary diversity compared to the control group. The values of entropy in the test group are between 0.552 and 0.772, and between 0.251 and 0.481 in the control group (p<0.05). There is a weak correlation, which below 0.3, between citation counts and values of entropy. The paper argues that above 70 percent of highly influential articles have a high disciplinary diversity in their early stage, and it is possible by using entropy as an indicator to measure the breadth of an article's impact.
Liang Guoqiang
Hou Haiyan
Gao Tong
Kong Xiangjie
Hu Zhigang
. Impact Breadth of Scientific Papers Based on Innovation Diffusion Theory[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(2)
: 91
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.02.011
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