[Purpose/significance] This paper tersely summarizes the development status of the research crowdfunding model, uses the Experiment platform as the research object, and designs indicators to analyze the basic features of the projects, the impact of the project outputs and the content characteristics. This study can develop the research crowdfunding model, help to understand the new research activities in an open science environment and provide relevant suggestions for project applicants and funders.[Method/process] Firstly, the paper gets data from the research crowdfunding website "Experiment" and designs a series of indicators to evaluate them. Secondly, this paper analyzes the overall scale, success rate, staff scale, research cycle, countries, organizations, funding levels and other features of research crowdfunding projects. In addition, the paper focuses on the lab notes, which are the outputs of research crowdfunding projects, analyzing the numbers of lab note, view, like and comment based on the disciplinary characteristics so that it can reveal the scale and impact of these outputs.[Result/conclusion] Finally, the result shows that the research crowdfunding projects of "Experiment" are characterized by small-scale, short accomplishing time and strong participation, meanwhile, the scale and impact of projects' outputs in biology and ecology are more prominent than other disciplines.
Chen Liyue
Ding Jielan
Liu Xiwen
. Exploring the Features and Impact of Research Crowdfunding Projects: A Case Study of Experiment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(2)
: 120
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.02.014
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