[Purpose/significance] Reading therapy is a way to preserve and restore physical and mental health through the study, discussion and comprehension of targeted literature. Nowadays, the increasing number of anxious people in China and the proposal of reading promotion make anxiety treatment, automatic emotion intervention and interest enhancement become important demands of library reading therapy. The paper aims to explore the use of biofeedback to train the correct mood of anxious people, and enhance fun and efficacy of the treatment. [Method/process] At the library of Jiangsu University, the researcher carried out the anxiety reading therapy, established the book medicine label portraits, and intervened and trained anxious people's emotional reactions automatically by biofeedback technology when they reading. [Result/conclusion] Comparing the data from SAS anxiety scale before and after, we can find that the curative effect of the testing group is obvious, and the three kinds of factor item have the difference of curative effect. Promotion application analysis shows that this kind of therapy in library is feasible.
Yang Hua
Lu Zhangping
Yuan Run
. Study on Anxiety Library Reading Therapy Using Biofeedback Technology[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(3)
: 60
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.03.008
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