Research on Construction of Digital Ancient Book Management System Model Based on Block Chain Technology

  • Gao Li ,
  • Wang Chunyan ,
  • Gao Xindan
  • 1. Northeast Forestry University Library, Harbin 150040;
    2. Northeast Forestry University College of Information and Computer Engineering, Harbin 150040

Received date: 2018-06-03

  Revised date: 2018-08-09

  Online published: 2019-02-05


[Purpose/significance] From the perspective of blockchain technology, this paper proposes a solution to the problems of the protection and use of ancient books, and proposes a solution to the digital block management system model for ancient books, and implements an ancient management innovation model. [Method/process] First of all, a block chain decentralized P2P architecture is designed from the aspects of construction and implementation. The entire network consensus link block is realized by the node initiating the transaction, the construction block, and the validity verification. Secondly, an information storage mechanism and smart contract protocol algorithm is estabalished to automatically implement the guarantee model in an efficient and transparent manner, and the digitalized ancient books copyright registration and circulation use information is realized, which cannot be tampered with and traceable. Finally, the consensus mechanism and the distributed storage mechanism of the IPFS protocol system solve scientific data storage and security, and at the same time establish a reasonable incentive mechanism to achieve effective management of scientific data. [Result/conclusion] Through the establishment of this model, the traditional centralized management system of ancient books database is abolished, and the entire process of protection and utilization of ancient books can be traced and cannot be tampered with the form of block + chain to achieve the technological innovation of protection of ancient books.

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Gao Li , Wang Chunyan , Gao Xindan . Research on Construction of Digital Ancient Book Management System Model Based on Block Chain Technology[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019 , 63(3) : 80 -89 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.03.011


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