[Purpose/significance] In order to prevent the outbreak of micro-blog false public opinion to the serious consequences of society, the paper categorized the key nodes in micro-blog, to stop the nodes that maliciously incite the masses' emotions in time, and prevent more micro-blog users from being misled, and guide the micro-blog users by different ways of thinking. So as to better purify the micro-blog public opinion environment. [Method/process] The paper used super network and dynamic network analysis method to identify key nodes. Through analyzing their sentiment tendency, different leading strategies were finally provided. [Result/conclusion] There are five kinds of key nodes in the life cycle of micro-blog public opinion. Ideological guidance can be divided into intelligent guidance and wisdom guidance.
Wang Dan
Zhang Haitao
Liu Yashu
Ren Liang
. Sentiment Analysis and Ideological Guidance of Key Nodes in Micro-blog Public Opinion[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(4)
: 15
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.04.002
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