Empirical Research on the Pattern of Online Academic Social Networking in Views of Multilevel Discipline Categories in China: A Case of Science Net

  • Duan Qingfeng ,
  • Feng Zhen
  • School of Management, Shanxi University of Finance & Economics, Taiyuan 030006

Received date: 2018-08-12

  Revised date: 2018-10-13

  Online published: 2019-03-20


[Purpose/significance] Online academic social networking provides an effective way and novel views to quickly monitor the trend of science development and deeply understand scientific implication. [Method/process] An analytic framework was proposed to find the pattern of academic social networking in China by tracing the relations among all pairs of disciplines, with the comparisons in the two dimensions of impacts and trans-disciplines respectively. Furthermore, empirical research was conducted by using samples from the platform Science Net, in views of three levels of disciplines categories respectively, i.e. field of disciplines, first-level disciplines, second-level disciplines, in which friend relationship was concerned. [Result/conclusion] Firstly, it was found that field of life sciences shows an advantage in size of users registered in the online platform, while field of comprehensive management presents an advantage of tendency to carry out academic social networking, with method of descriptive statistics. Secondly, in term of method combining statistics analysis and Sankey diagram, it was found that a group of relevant disciplines belonging to the first level disciplines, with computer sciences as their core position, have become hot disciplines in social networking, such as automation, electronics and information system, management science and engineering, library information and philology. Lastly but not least, based on the two-dimensional quadrant diagram, conclusions came out that discipline pattern of academic social networking show the characteristics of diversity and dynamics during the switching among three levels of disciplines, and only a few patterns can be stable all the time. For examples, field of comprehensive management exceedingly tend to be trans-disciplines in academic social networking, high impacts would turn out in the field of life sciences, but low impacts in the first level discipline of computer science.

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Duan Qingfeng , Feng Zhen . Empirical Research on the Pattern of Online Academic Social Networking in Views of Multilevel Discipline Categories in China: A Case of Science Net[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019 , 63(6) : 85 -96 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.06.011


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