[Purpose/significance] The purpose of this paper is to explore the development status and related problems of mobile APP in smart cities in China, which is of great significance and reference value for improving the user experience of mobile Application of smart cities.[Method/process] The data of 333 mobile Application were collected from 140 cities in China. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were both used. Firstly, this research uses SPSS to analyze the regional distribution and score data of 333 mobile Application. Secondly, the functional description of APP and 15 754 user reviews were qualitatively analyzed with content analysis method to extract the category columns and user feedback. In the end, the future development path of smart city APP was proposed based on the current situation.[Result/conclusion] The regional distribution, function, score and user comments of smart city APP in China were summarized. At present, there are significant regional differences of smart city application in China. From the perspective of function, smart city APP can be divided into three categories, which consists of intelligent transportation, smart medical and smart living. The average score of smart APP in China is low. Moreover, six key problems are investigated through qualitative study, including technology gaps, poor services, inaccurate information and failing to meet user requirements.
Liang Tian
Peng Guochao
Xing Fei
. Research on the Status and Problems of Mobile Application of Smart City in China[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(8)
: 65
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.08.009
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