[Purpose/significance] This paper explores the citation patterns of Chinese academic journal papers and the influence of time window, and establishes an analysis frame of the citation patterns.[Method/process] Taking library and information science for example, a two-step cluster analysis on the absolute citations and the relative citations of Chinese journal papers published between 2006 and 2008 was performed. Correlation between main characteristic factors and citation patterns of papers was analyzed.[Result/conclusion] Three patterns were detected from the perspective of absolute citations, and all of them show a classic citation pattern-rise first and then fall. Six citation patterns are detected from the perspective of relative citations, and three of them can be classified as classic citation pattern, while other three clusters can be labeled as quasi-sleeping beauties, positive bias pattern and marathoners. Moderate to high correlations between initial citations and total citations under the relative perspective, and the correlation strengthen with the average citation counts which reversed under the absolute perspective. The results indicate that the correlation between initial citations and total citations depends on the curvature of citation curve but not the number of total citations.
Xiong Zequan
Duan Yufeng
. Citation Patterns of Chinese Academic Journal Papers:A Case Study of the Journal Articles (2006-2008) in the Field of Library and Information Science[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(8)
: 107
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.08.013
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