[Purpose/significance]This paper compares the similarities and differences between Chinese and British public library laws from the perspective of public library governance, reveals the differences between these public library laws, and thus obtains beneficial enlightenment on Chinese Public Library Law.[Method/process] Firstly, this paper expounds the basic situation, legislative purpose and governance objectives of library laws in China and Britain respectively. Secondly, using the theory of public library governance, this paper analyzes the contents of library laws in China and Britain, and summarizes their bibrarygovernance units, governance subjects and governance evaluation. Finally, this paper compares the similarities and differences of the legal management elements of libraries in China and Britain, and makes a summary and reflection on this basis.[Result/conclusion] Chinese Public Library Law should flexibly apply the theory of library governance flexibly; expand the management unit properly; distinguish between the construction subject and the management subject strictly; further promote the corporate governance; and fully supervise the construction subject.
Zhu Zhipeng
. A Comparative Study of Chinese and British Public Library Laws——Based on the Theory of Library Governance[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(9)
: 12
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.09.002
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