[Purpose/significance] The paper compared and analyzed the differences of the print book patron in acquisitions, and provided constructive reference for improving patrons' participation in acquisition mode in China.[Method/process] First of all, it analyzed the research and practice overview of domestic patrons' participation in acquisition. This paper analyzed the modes of foreign patrons' participation in acquisition from the digital book and print book synchronous DDA project, and inter-library loan ILL DDA project. It analyzed the differences and similarities of patrons' participation in acquisition from the aspects of working process and efficiency of patrons' participation in acquisition, online recommendation and acquisition mode, recommendation and acquisition knowledge base, and offline mode of patrons' participation in acquisition and proportion of funds.[Result/conclusion] The conclusion affirmed the successful exploration of patrons' participation in acquisition in China. For example, there are various methods of recommendation. It has complete functional modules. It was proposed that further improvement should be made in integrating the work process, improving the efficiency of recommendation, combining online and offline, improving the knowledge base of recommendation, promoting intelligent book information, improving the service rules of recommendation, and establishing incentive measures.
Li Xiaofei
. A Domestic and Foreign Comparative Analysis of the Patrons' Participating in Acquisition[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(10)
: 68
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.10.008
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