[Purpose/significance] This paper takes the criminal subject as a new perspective, and takes the crime of the same type as the research object, and puts forward the research ideas of the crime phenomenon of "intelligence source-subject-case-crime problem" to analyze the causes and characteristics of juvenile delinquency. As well as the influencing factors of criminal subjects in juvenile crime cases, revealing the law of juvenile crimes, thus providing more strategic intelligence analysis ideas for prevention, control and governance of juvenile crimes in practice.[Method/process] The Article set a certain type of crime not a single case for intelligence research object by using text analysis and social network analysis method, building the social network of criminal subject by extracting the case samples that is associated with crime subject information, discussed the corresponding theory and empirical research.[Result/conclusion] Studies have shown that social network analysis is applicable to the study of juvenile crimes within a certain range. The strategic intelligence analysis of juvenile delinquency based on the criminal subject social network is conducive to objectively revealing the crimes and crime characteristics of such special subjects, and exploring the influencing factors of criminal subjects, which can provide effective support for the implementation of juvenile crime strategic intelligence analysis.
Huang Qian
Hei Jingjie
Cao Fenfang
. Strategic Intelligence Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency from the Perspective of Criminal Subject Social Network[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(10)
: 115
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.10.013
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