[Purpose/significance] Based on the reality of our country, this paper analyses the readers' perception of university libraries.[Method/process] It adds the evaluator background based on the LibQUAL+ evaluation model generally accepted by the academic community. Based on the past three-dimensional space, the evaluation index and index parameters have been completely upgraded, making the library's evaluation index more comprehensive. Based on the new evaluator information, this paper designs a questionnaire with reasonable parameters.Taking the teachers and students of my university as a sample,uses SPSS software to quantitatively measure the four-dimensional model and its grading parameters, and provides constructive comments on the organization management of the library based on the measurement results.[Result/conclusion] The university library should improve the quality of service, strengthen the professional resources construction for Master and Ph.D. science and engineering and teachers, and attract more books with good import reputation and readers. In addition, the frequency of updating resources should be increased to create a constant appeal to groups that use the lower frequency of the library. In terms of information construction, school library should keenly capture the needs of readers and continuously optimize the page layout and content settings of the library.
Zhou Xiuling
. Research on the Evaluation Mode of Reader's Perceived Service Quality in University Libraries[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(11)
: 35
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.11.004
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