[Purpose/significance] The National Cultural Information Resource Sharing Project is a key national cultural benefiting project. In the process of construction, the core issue is always the construction of resources. Under the guidance of ‘improving grassroots cultural services in urban and rural areas’, which one of the main purposes of the cultural sharing project, this paper chooses the perspective of rural network resources construction to explore the rural cultural information resources construction, to find problems and put forward improvement measures based on the understanding of the current situation of rural cultural information resources construction.[Method/process] This paper investigated and analyzed the construction of rural cultural information resources in provincial sub-center websites of cultural sharing project, revealed the classification, construction and availability of rural information resources in the websites, and proposed corresponding solutions after analyzing the causes of existing problems.[Result/conclusion] At present, the content of resource construction cannot effectively meet users' needs, and there are many problems in website construction. Therefore, in the future, the cultural sharing project should pay more attention to the construction of information resources, especially the construction of shared information resources that mainly applicable to the rural areas of China, and intensify the development of resources, so that the cultural sharing project could really make difference in people's livelihood, economic development and cultural level in the vast rural areas.
Wang Lihua
Zhang Yue
. Construction of Rural Cultural Information Resources-investigative Based on the Provincial Sub-center Website of Cultural Sharing Project[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(12)
: 44
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.12.006
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