[Purpose/significance]The formation of the willingness to disseminate network public opinion is a psychological activity of netizens, which is inseparable from psychological distance. Understanding the main factors that influence the willingness to disseminate network public opinion will help the supervising and controlling departments to conduct pre-warning and management of network public opinion more effectively.[Method/process] Based on the deep analysis of the psychological distance theory, this paper expounds the constitution of the psychological distance, and makes a series of theoretical assumptions in the view of time distance, spatial distance, social distance and probability. Then it identifies the main factors and their importance using questionnaire method and optimal scale regression analysis method.[Result/conclusion] Finally, it concludes 7 main factors that influence netizens to change their disseminate willingness which contain the reporting time, home related, yearning related, life related, relatives and friends release, media official release, enterprise official release. Monitoring the public opinion from these seven factors will help the supervising and controlling departments controlling the direction of public opinion dissemination more pertinently.
Zhang Xiaojun
Huang Wei
Li Rui
. Research on Influential Factors of Willingness to Disseminate Network Public Opinion from the Perspective of Psychological Distance[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(12)
: 86
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.12.012
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