[Purpose/significance] This paper explores the elements in stages of weak signals life cycle and relationship between them, to enhance the connotation research of weak signals and get theoretical contribution to a certain extent, hoping to give theoretical guidance to some organizations in weak signals management.[Method/process] Firstly, this paper has a literature review on weak signals concept. Then it presents a concept of weak singles in the context of intelligence studies and in combination with sense-making theory. Secondly, it proposes the life cycle of weak singles by analogy of the information life cycle and emerging issues life cycle. Thirdly, modeling and simulating by systems thinking and System Dynamics (SD) tools which are Causal Loop Diagram and Stock-flow Diagram.[Result/conclusion] Verifying the weak signals life cycle has 4 stages:detection, relevance, transmission, choice. Testing the feasibility of SD model and 4 critical auxiliary variables by scenario simulation, such as noise interference, analysis efficiency, trust degree in organization, and trust degree in decision makers. Moreover, it takes some barriers of weak signals management and solutions based on this research.
Dong Yin
Liu Qianli
Song Jiwei
. The Life Cycle of Weak Signals Modeling and Simulation Using System Dynamics Approach[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(13)
: 75
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.13.008
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