[Purpose/significance] This paper analyzes the theory and practice of digital media education of YOUmedia in the United States, and provides reference for Chinese public libraries.[Method/process] This paper reviews the production process of digital media education theory of YOUmedia, sums up its content, analyzes the application mode of the theory and the management of education activities, investigates the effectiveness of education activities, and finally summarizes special experience of YOUmedia and its enlightenment to China.[Result/conclusion] Digital media has a profound impact on the growth of teenagers. Chinese public libraries can carry out the education of digital media under the guidance of relevant theories to guide teenagers to make rational use of digital media. During education activities, public libraries should cooperate extensively with other social education organizations, create a learning atmosphere of equality and mutual respect, and pay attention to take advantage of reciprocal behaviors among teenagers. The learning content of teenagers should be oriented to their studies and future careers.
Zhou Jiagui
. Exploration on the Practice of Digital Media Education of Public Libraries: Analysis of American YOUmedia[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(14)
: 131
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.14.015
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